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With Deloitte against money laundering

You don't have to think outside the box to tackle criminal money and money laundering. Deloitte makes Anti Money Laundering (AML) clear and simple.

Anti Money Laundering in a box.

Money laundering and criminal money is a major social problem. Banks have a legal obligation to combat money laundering. If they do not do this properly, they risk high fines. For financial institutions, this is complicated, risky and expensive.

Deloitte has developed a smart solution: the Anti Money Laundering Box. One complete package with the strategy, tools and expertise with which banks and financial institutions can smartly track down criminal money and thus comply with the law.

“You don't have to think outside the box to combat money laundering.”

What's in the box?

How do you communicate an abstract concept like an Anti Money Laundering package in a clear and accessible way? With a real box of course. Our art director designed the one and only Deloitte AML Box for this campaign.

We created a video campaign that clearly explains the problem of money laundering and Deloitte's solution. The campaign is targeted at fintech compliance experts, legal and partners.


– Robby Philips, Senior Manager Financial Crime Technology, Deloitte

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