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Make your own videos

How Marketing Teams Can Easily Create Videos Theirself

Many marketing teams want to get started with video, but don't know how. Videos build trust, communicate effectively and can warm up leads, for example. But how do you get started with creating videos without it becoming an overwhelming task? In this blog, we share two formats to create impactful videos yourself in a few steps.

Format 1: Expert Interviews

A great way to get started with video is to interview experts inside (or outside) your own organization. These can be internal experts or external thought leaders. Ask them about their vision for the future of the market, trends they see, and how businesses can adapt. This type of content is valuable to your audience and positions your brand as an authority in the industry.

Tips for the interview:

  • Ask open-ended questions to get comprehensive answers.
  • Create a relaxed atmosphere so that the interviewee feels at ease.
  • Use a simple camera or even your smartphone to take the shot.

Format 2: Testimonial videos

Testimonial videos are extremely effective in convincing potential customers. A handy way to convince your customers to cooperate in a testimonial video is to record 2 videos. 1 the 'expert talk' about the market, then you record a second 'testimonial interview' in which they tell how your product or service has helped them.

Why these videos are important:

  • They provide social proof, which increases trust in your brand.
  • Customers are often the best ambassadors for your products or services.
  • You remove the barrier to purchase.

Tips for creating testimonial videos:

  • Ask customers if they would like to share their story.
  • Make the process easy and comfortable for them.
  • Provide a clear message and keep it short and sweet.

Gap, solution, change interview

  1. Gap: What was the customer's problem?
  2. Solution: How did your team/product contribute to the solution (bridging the gap)
  3. Change: How has the process changed (the life of) your customer?

Keep it Simple

When making videos, it is important to keep it simple. It is all about the message. Even with a simple camera and a simple microphone and some basic lighting, you can make valuable videos.

A few more technical tips:

  • Provide a quiet and well-lit environment.
  • Make sure you have a simple clean background that is not distracting. (no windows!)
  • Use a tripod or stable surface to minimize shock.
  • Use an external microphone (directional or lavalier microphone)
  • Edit the videos with simple software like iMovie, Canva or Veed.
    (We work with Adobe Premiere for more complex edits)

Next step

Creating videos doesn’t have to be complicated. Starting with interviews about the future of the market and sharing customer testimonials, you as a marketing expert can create valuable content that resonates with your audience. Keep it simple and focus on the message!

Do you need help making videos or have questions about the process? Feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you.

A marketing calendar in 6 steps
Your own video studio